Customer Testimonials

We take pride in the quality of our ATV attachment system, and appreciate the feedback we receive! Below are some testimonials of our happy past customers, send us a review – we’d love to hear from you!

“Best Money I’ve Ever Spent”

100 yards to the truck and I'm on my 30th load.Best money I’ve ever spent. 100 yards to the truck and I’m on my 30th load.”

— Guy K., East Troy, WI

“The system has paid for itself many times over”

“5 Stars!! I have the ‘full meal deal’ (all the tools except the snowplow), with the system mounted up on a Honda Rancher 4×4. Mounting it up was very straight forward, swapping out implements takes a couple of minutes at most. Bottom line: your system has FAR EXCEEDED all of my expectations in terms of: design, build quality, capability and productivity while in use. I can easily state that the system has paid for itself many times over as we are using it to clear the better part of 7 acres in western Washington. The 3 point system out back is stunning!! Thank you for turning my quad into a mini farm tractor on steroids !!! I couldn’t justify $25-$30k for a small farm tractor (+ attachments) and this package does exactly what we need and all indications are it will keep going long after I quit! Thank you!”

— Scott L.

“I love it!”

“I purchased the equestrian package in 2015 and I love it!”

— Kathryn C.

“I love my wild hare loader”

“I love my Wild Hare loader for my ATV.”

— David R.

“That type of customer service is lacking these days”

“While I understand that’s just how you do business, I still want you to know it’s appreciated because that type of customer service (even ahead of the sale) is lacking these days.”

— James

“Everything from the purchase to the delivery and installation went smoothly”

“I purchased the Equestrian / Resort Package to install on a 2013 Honda Rancher. Everything from the purchase to the delivery and installation went smoothly. Over the last six months I have used the front loader to blade and move gravel, boulders and dirt around the property. I have used the pallet forks to move heavy equipment and supplies around the shop and even help with the install of a bumper replacement on the truck. I have been impressed by Wild Hare Mfg, from the design and engineering of the system to the outreach of the marketing and sales team.”

— David B.

“Better than our expectations”

“You’ve got a great product… it has performed better than our expectations… So glad we happened upon your company.”

— Nancy R.

“Saved me hours of back breaking work”

“I bought a complete set up for my wheeler and it has saved me hours of back breaking work. The cultivator does an excellent job of working up the food plots and working up new areas for seeding. Everything that I can do with my wild hare implements takes less time and they are a breeze to change.”

— Jim

“Doing everything that I need it to do”

“Over all I’m pleased with the unit it is doing everything that I need it to do, it makes moving sand
a lot easier than before. “

— Henry D.

“I’m continually amazed at how much work I’ve been able to do with it”

canadian-customer-testimonial“I own 50 acres of mainly wooded land on the west coast of BC Canada and didn’t want to go the tractor route (expense, size, etc.) and, while doing some online research, happened upon the Wild Hare system.

The day it arrived I was having my very experienced machine operator/neighbor do some major clearing and he kind of scoffed at the front loader as I was installing it. His tune soon changed when I got it all set up and made short work of a large pile of gravel – easily maneuvering it into tight places.

It’s been over 6 months now and I’m continually amazed at how much work I’ve been able to do with it – and how much my back has thanked me. With the front loader I’ve moved firewood, compost, gravel, sand, waste, chips, feed, hay, rock, etc. as well as landscaped areas by back-blading (road repairs, garden beds, path work, etc.). With a relatively quick switch-out to the pallet forks, I’ve moved fencing, logs, lumber, large boxed material, etc.

My neighbor was by last week and said, “You know, my opinion has changed about that system of yours. I thought it would barely lift a bale of hay! I’ve even told some friends about it.” I already know how great it is but it was nice to hear nonetheless. All this to say it was well worth the investment and I recommend it (and the guys behind it) wholeheartedly!”

— Jayson, BC Canada

“Cut My Time By 4/5”

“I’ve only used it for a couple of days so far, but the thing that really hit me was how sturdy and stable the system is. The first project I tackled was getting my garden ready for planting. In years past, I borrowed a small tractor and tiller. It would take me about 60-90 minutes to till it up. This year I used the cultivator and then changed over to the disk and the whole operation took less than 15 minutes. I couldn’t believe how fast this was. It cut my time by 4/5. The other thing is that with the tractor it would tear up my yard and I would have to fix where I drove it over the grass. The ATV doesn’t do that. It will be awesome for landscaping. I have also used it in the ditch by my house and I didn’t feel at all uneasy or unstable. It is also very maneuverable and easy to steer. It is the right tool for the right job. It is priced right and I would highly recommend it to homeowners and landscapers. I live next to people who own horses and I would think that they would benefit too.”

— Lee Walz

“Thanks For A Great Product”

“I bought my Groundhog loader in early 2004 when I was moving into my new house. Didn’t like the idea of spending $15-20K on a dedicated small tractor with front end loader and since I had just bought a Polaris 700 Sportsman I decided to “take a chance” on this thing. I didn’t really expect too much out of it, but figured it might at least be better than a shovel and utility trailer.

It is fantastic! I used it to spread topsoil to make my 1/2 acre front yard, limestone for a 700′ driveway, mulch, sand, firewood, you name it. It paid for itself in the first 6 months I owned it. Also, when the snow gets too deep, it’s great for pushing the snow piles back to make room for more. Not to mention it’s fun to use.
With some extra weight on the rear rack for ballast, the Groundhog will lift somewhat more than the 500 lbs. it was rated for at the time I bought it.
Very simple to install. Took me about 3 hours for initial installation…would have taken less time if I had a helper, but was anxious to get started using it. Now it attaches/detaches in about 15 minutes.

I would recommend The Groundhog Loader to anyone who needs a light- to medium-duty loader for general use. Just keep in mind this is not a 40HP skid-loader and be realistic about what you expect it to do. For moving materials in my opinion, you cant beat the value this machine provides. Construction is very solid and it is simple to use.

Recently I have been in contact with Mike, who as far as I know, was not involved with the Groundhog way back when I bought mine. He has given me reason to believe customer service at Wild Hare will be outstanding. He is quick to respond to my questions and is more than willing to help me, even though I bought my unit from another company 11 years ago.

Best Wishes to Wild Hare and thanks for a great product.”

— John Ramp

“Wouldn’t Be Without It”

“I received my Three Point Hitch with the Disc and the Digger in 2007, so far I have over 500 hours on it. I use it every summer and wouldn’t be without it.”

— Brett, Hobby Farmer

“I Found It To Be A Great Product”

“I bought my Loader several years back and have used it for many projects here on the lake, including back-filling my new shop. I have moved so much snow that I’ve replaced the cutting edge on the blade at least twice. I even used it to clear a path to my fish house every winter. It would be impossible to list all the things I used the Loader for but I would recommend the Loader to anyone whose workload is too small to justify the price of a tractor and loader but too large to do by hand. I found it to be a great product.”

— Steve, Lake Property Owner

“This Stuff Is Heavy Duty”

“Until I got to actually get my hands on the Wild Hare cultivator and disc I was admittedly a little skeptical. I soon came to realize this equipment was not your run of the mill food plot implements. With this equipment you are able to actually put enough down pressure on it, that it can lift the four wheelers back tires off the ground. I have four food plots 1/4-1/2 acre in size, some sand and some clay and on all of them I was able to go over them twice and they were ready for planting. There was no bouncing around or plugging up, just digging. This stuff is heavy duty, easy to run, and just does a great job!”

— Rob Marshall, Hunter and member of Minnesota Deer Hunters Association (MDHA)

“Useful And Fun To Use”

“I have used my Wild Hare ATV Loader for about 8 years on my Yamaha Kodiak 400 4×4. I have a lower back issue and the hydraulic implements have been very useful and fun to use. I use it to lay out my bark mulch (8 yards/year), move firewood, lay down patio pavers, haul fall/spring garden waste and grass clippings to my compost pile. I use the bucket to clear my driveway when there are a few inches of slushy snow that my Ariens Snowblower can not handle it as well. I feel the Wild Hare system has been a valuable asset and my wife likes to use it for gardening.”

— Tom, Dover NH

“One Tool That I Use And Rely On The Most”

“I absolutely love my GroundHog Loader ATV system. I have owned it for over 10 years and it is the one tool that I use and rely on the most. It digs, scrapes, hauls, lifts and plows. It has done everything I have asked it to do and more and at a fraction of the cost of other solutions. I have used and abused it beyond it’s specifications and it holds up great. I have friends and relatives borrow it or ask me to come over and help them with tasks that would take them weeks by hand and we have it done in a couple of hours. I am thrilled that Bob and the good team at Wild Hare Mfg. are now picking up this product line and offering it again to consumers. They are great to work with and I just ordered an additional attachment that I have always regretted not getting 10 years ago. To know that Bob and his team are there to back me up with parts, sales and service for my favorite tool is very reassuring and I couldn’t be happier.”

— Doug G., Battle Creek MI

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